Monday, July 14, 2008


Today was a near perfect end to the minivoyage from Shaw’s Cove to Shelter Island and Greenport, then back to Shaw’s Cove. What would have made it perfect? Having Debbie along. She is with Mom and Sister and other family and friends in Florida.

Sailing was first wing and wing east along Long Beach. No matter what Carey says, Raymarine just doesn’t drive as well as B & G. The boat gybed once or twice, and it shouldn’t have. Coming north across Long Island Sound winds were brisk, in the mid teens off the port beam. The wind fell to motoring levels only for the last mile up the Thames River.

There was a surprise while docking. Being alone I looked for mechanical help, but the bow thruster didn’t move the bow when the joystick was wiggled! Once tied up, a helper ran the thruster while I inspected closely. The thruster was not moving water at all. Once in the drink for an even closer inspection I learned why. There was at least a half inch layer of BB size barnacles on each side of each propeller blade. There are two propellers. Each has four blades. Off came the blades for cleaning. Now there is six horsepower at work again.

Charmed had sat still in the water for four weeks while crew was off on Wind Runner. Even so it is amazing that that many barnacles can grow that fast. The chore, clean bow thruster props, now gets listed more often on the maintenance calendar. New zincs, new fixing hardware, and even new propellers get added to spares.

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