Saturday, September 6, 2008


Charmed is lying Shaw's Cove again, a good spot to be while Tropical
Storm Hanna passes over. Shaw's Cove is also a good spot to mark the
place and time of the beginning of a second voyage south.

Once Craig helps move a boat to the Newport Boat Show for Hellier,
Charmed will sail to Old Lyme Marina for preventative maintenance work
on the auxiliary engine, mostly a close look at injectors and valves.
Then it's over to Port Jefferson to collect Debbie when she returns
from visiting family and friends in Florida. Then to Oyster Bay.
Then to Port Washington. Then to The CIty for several days.

Possible stops after New York will be Sandy Hook, Atlantic City, Cape
May, Chesapeake City, and Rock Hall. We plan a short haul for Charmed
in Rock Hall to get her bottom painted.

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