Sunday, November 9, 2008


It has been a long while since we posted.  We have nothing to do, and we are three days late!

Today we landed in St Augustine.  You can see the stops we made getting here on the map above.  If you are interested, view the larger map.  Then pan around.  The list of place markers down the left side are stops in chronological order.  If you click on a stop the map will center on that stop.

We have had wonderful weather this trip south.  Little cold and little rain.  Three legs were offshore.  Beaufort NC to Jehossee Island, Walburg Creek to Fernandina Beach, and Fernandina Beach to St Augustine.  We had hoped to do more offshore sailing, but we would have had to wait for weather.  Even though better time is made offshore, and it is usually easier sailing, waiting for weather would have been a delay overall.

Highlights of this trip south have included more time with old friends, meeting Jim and Laurie of Kismet, getting hooked on LOST, spending significant time with Tom and Joyce of Whispering Sea(including the making of deer stew), and having Carey bring cribbage aboard.

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